Love in a Lunchbox

I have a little something fun to share with you as a new school year begins!  It’s something I’ve been doing since Ellie went to kindergarten …

This idea came from a lovely mom I babysat for in my teen years.  She wrote notes on her girls’ napkins and tucked them in their lunches.  What a wonderful way to stay connected with kids while they are at school and remind them of your love!

At first my kindergartner couldn’t read, so I relied more on sketches.  Over time words mattered more.  As Aubrey joined Ellie in going to school, I’d make the words on her napkin simpler than those on Ellie’s napkin.  And over time, the notes moved to the corner and became smaller.

Feel free to borrow on these ideas as you tuck love in your child’s lunch.  One way or another, let’s use our words to connect with, encourage, and love others!


It might not be on a napkin or in a lunchbox, but how can you use a note to encourage someone today?


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